Essence strip is one of the first fragrance samples that were manufactured for individual testing, vintage sampling, 80’s technology, and were positioned as the most attractive samples for the inside of a brochure, magazine or postcards.
They are scented samples of encapsulated liquid fragrance, which when rubbed releases the fragrance, which can be applied to the hand or any part of the body.
This sample contains a strip on one of its sides, which, when separated, the consumer will receive the impact of the aroma by releasing the liquid fragrance, which can be applied to the skin, and observe how it is moistened in it, releasing the finer notes of the fragrance, a superior experience for the consumer, since they will be able to really try the fragrance they want to purchase.
Thanks to our 3D application technology, our samples are not only aromatic, they are also liquid, it is the best test for the consumer, since they will taste the texture and above all, the release of the fine notes of the fragrance, appreciating them and noticing little by little the evaporation and impregnation of it in his own skin.
For consumers, these are very successful samples, thanks to the quantity applied due to their large size.
FLACHET improved the piece in a new patent, respecting the same format, but including 3D application technology, with the difference that the product can be taken and tested on any part of the body, this technology applies the product uniformly, providing the same thickness, to be able to deposit a greater quantity, for a longer time, without affecting the contour of the piece, with or without strip, or adhesive, a piece that adapts to any distribution channel.
The Flat Essence strip is a innovative technology that supports the planet by using recycled paper and biodegradable films, sampling solutions for the beauty industry.